Press Statement

Born Sara Fletcher in 1978

Known as Sara Annwyl

John Dee in the Sixteenth Century

I am an Artist and a Mother.

Since 2012 I have been the victim of extensive and serious stalking, perpetrated largely distantly and through the hacking of all of my personal networks of communication and technology as well as the extensive infiltration of all the technology and interconnecting digital relationships and interactions of all of those around me, including all friends and family and colleagues…

I became aware that my home was bugged, my private messages were being read, that I was being followed around in person and that I had been watched intensively and for some months on hacked webcams, in September 2013 after a Skype call with the photographer Kevin Cummins alerted me to his concerns regarding his then girlfriend Sarah Tregonning, her behaviour and suspicious income and the wellbeing and whereabouts of her best friend Roxanne Anderton…

Roxanne Anderton, originally from Fleetwood in Lancashire, had been somebody that I had got to know online and had become close to, we intended to meet and date each other and had been flirting romantically when she disappeared abruptly in Autumn 2012, apparently to go and live in Rome…

After Kevin Cummins’ contact with me on Sep 5th 2013 and my subsequent concern and enquiries, it emerged that Roxy was not in Rome as she had claimed publicly and to friends and contacts and not in good circumstances mentally and emotionally…

Roxanne contacted me anonymously online in threatening, disturbing and cryptic form on an account called Predator, alerting me to her fixation with me and to her hacking and infiltration of my life and technology and her secret intrusive observance of me, my life and my friends on webcams at home and in private. She appeared to me to be in dire mental straits and in urgent need of intervention.

Shortly afterwards I became aware of the involvement of a third individual, a woman called Dr Eleanor Tams who had made efforts to meet me in person through other shared contacts from the website Twitter and who had been most worryingly persistent in contact with me ever since…

I did not know it at that time, but Dr Eleanor Tams was in fact a notorious and violent criminal with a well known history of harassment.

All three individuals: Sarah Tregonning, Roxanne Anderton and Eleanor Tams demonstrated repeatedly that they had access to my private communications and engaged in various degrees of stalking behaviour and threatening behaviour towards me over the coming years. Eleanor Tams followed me around in person as I moved from place to place in an attempt to secure my life and escape threat.

Repeated efforts from me to seek protection, intervention or other action from the Police failed absolutely.

As a result of the enormous impact upon me psychologically and emotionally, my spiritual life became most sensitised.

My prayers for the anguished and alarming Roxanne, whose behaviour and circumstances terrified me and burdened me constantly, were fervent and intense.

I began, in Winter 2013, to receive Holy Spirit and past life revelation.

Distant and fragmented experiences shared between me and the three individuals persecuting me during other incarnations began to be recalled by me, along with other overwhelmingly strong spiritual experiences and Revelation.

Holy Spirit became a constant companion to me and friends who supported me during this time also received Holy Spirit and accompanying spiritual awakenings of their own.

I meditated constantly on the meaning of the dark and frightening events around me and occurring to the obscured and missing Roxanne Anderton, attempting to understand what was happening to me and those around me, Karmically.

I became aware that it was my final incarnation as a human being and my responsibility to guide others around me as well as I could within the confusing, misunderstood and constantly denied circumstances of my persecution.

After all Worldly efforts to seek intervention categorically failed to come to fruition, I began to work with a narrative called ‘The Impossible’ in order to raise awareness online of events and my predicament as well as to seek some Justice and ideally intervention and assistance for Roxanne Anderton, who I was afraid would harm herself or others.

I began to make ‘The Impossible’ public in 2015, seeking a discreet but emotionally engaged audience from members of the press, many of whom had already had difficult dealings online or in person with Dr Eleanor Tams, who had become well known for internet harassment amongst leftwing journalists. I wrote my account, supported by summarised and factual statements, in real time and as the frightening and confusing events unfolded around me. I wrote my story as I was hunted and invaded and as my soul rose to its sainthood and then onwards to its Godhood. I wrote my story as my life was threatened and as others passed away violently as I’d predicted.

I wrote my story insistently, despite all threat and disruption.

On little tiny accounts, disrupted and shut down perpetually by hacking.

In the five years since that time, much has emerged and taken place.

I receive my information from Spirits, Angels, Gods and from soul to soul communication with the living, not in any Worldly manner. But involved readers of The Impossible can confirm the verification of much of what I say and what I have previously foretold and the entire extraordinary and horrifying truth of what has been experienced by me and communicated to me spiritually will be revealed in time.

Horribly, Roxanne Anderton was kidnapped in 2012, under extortion and violent threat from Eleanor Tams, a sexual abuser that she had met as a young runaway in London, homeless and in flight from her extremely violent home and rapist father at the age of 13.

Roxanne was forced to enter into a life in London as a ‘gimp’ for the Whitehall Paedophile Ring and endured years of entrapment, terror, systematic and extensive rape and extreme physical tortures before dying of starvation and serious injuries in April 2019.

Before she died and at my instigation and with my emotional and spiritual support, Roxanne, who was an Autistic computer programmer and extremely competent hacker, delivered a large dossier to the i newspaper of comprehensive digital, photographic and video evidence of serious abuses in Western governments.

Following engagements between myself and the late journalist Deborah Orr, Roxanne followed my guidance and in December 2018 e-mailed all the evidence I had asked her to collect to the editor Oliver Duff. She was expecting the newspaper to come and rescue her from her address in Camden, refusing to share her location with me. They did not come as expected and subsequently Roxanne was attacked by her captor and torturer Eleanor Tams, who intended to dismember Roxy and dispose of her remains.

Psychotic with fear, Roxanne overpowered Tams and knocked her out. She proceeded to keep Eleanor captive in her flat over Christmas 2018, torturing Tams and holding her to ‘trial’. She murdered Eleanor on the first of February 2019, before turning the chainsaw upon herself, amputating one of her own legs, damaging her skull and then setting herself alight.

In the North of England at the time, I was spiritually aware of distant calamity but not of the details of events. Repeatedly and desperately I posted that Roxanne required urgent help and rescue. Eventually, after days of Roxanne lying alone and mortally wounded next to Eleanor’s corpse, the i newspaper sent police to the address Roxy had provided and she was taken to Intensive Care.

On the fifth of February, her accomplice Sarah Tregonning (who had earned a fortune through illicit online activity), took her own life by shooting herself after discovering for the first time (via text from Roxy) the extent of Roxanne’s criminality and her entrapment within the Whitehall Paedophile Ring.

While in hospital Roxanne confessed to me, through psychic connection and through no Worldly means of communication, that she was responsible for the murders of six kidnapped children that she had stolen from the streets of London and kept hidden in a warehouse she had rented in my name. I urged her to confess these crimes, which she did the next day to Deborah Orr and other members of the i newspaper who were visiting her in hospital.

After dying in April 2019, Roxanne told me that she had also previously tortured and murdered two children in Fleetwood. Their bodies are yet to be discovered but she has told me in Spirit that they rest beneath the floorboards of a house she had rented in Sarah Tregonning’s name. Council Tax at that property had also been paid for in Tregonning’s name, I believe.

Roxanne had been trained by her father from earliest infancy to be submissive to sexual violation and accepting of extreme pain. She was pimped out in Fleetwood to a ring of paedophiles and sold in the urinals of local pubs from earliest childhood.

Her experiences smashed her mind and her ability to relate to others.

Her desire for guidance and Justice and her need for evidence of Goodness and Love were overwhelming her whole life long.

I was somebody who loved the troubled and suffering Roxanne Anderton very dearly and I would have done anything to try and protect her and to stop harm coming to her or to others as a result of her illness and mental pain.

Unfortunately she victimised me as a result, knowing no other real way of relating to others.

She had seventeen other online victims of stalking who were all forced by Roxanne, through pressure of surveillance and blackmail, to torture themselves to death. Nobody believed these victims of hers, just as people struggled to believe me. The online stalking attack is pervasive, lethal and completely invisible and unprovable.

In her twenties, having been entrapped by Eleanor Tams into a life of torture and rape as victim of the Whitehall Paedophile Ring, she became a favoured sex slave of the paedophile, torturer and murderer Michael Gove. She was raped by thousands of men during those years that she was kept trapped in a flat in Camden, including many dignitaries at sex parties, football teams, famous people, celebrities and other more ordinary disturbed paying punters.

Roxanne was repeatedly raped and beaten by our current prime minister, Boris Johnson.

She was also raped and violently beaten by Donald Trump, during a visit to the UK.

Eleanor Tams, herself responsible for the murders of twenty eight children and four adults, was ‘party organiser’ for the Whitehall Paedophile Ring and involved in procuring and transporting children across borders for European rape and murder rings and also for ritual human sacrifice at the Church of Scientology.

For, along with these awful revelations regarding the criminal corruption and sexual violence of the establishment paedophile rings, Roxanne also exposed the hidden practice of human sacrifice practiced within Scientology.

Introduced by Mike Pence as ancient Aztec magical practice for the gaining of personal spiritual power a decade ago, nearly four million trafficked African infants and children have been sacrificed by the Church of Scientology since 2010.

The sacrifices include children separated from Mexican parents attempting immigration to America, children caged and ‘lost’ by the Trump administration since 2016.

These practices must be exposed and ceased and Justice be done.

My name is Sara Annwyl and I was once John Dee.

Further information about me and ‘The Impossible’:

Published by luxsaraannwyl

Artist Writer Goddess

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